The Reinforcement of Leather Split by Constructing an Interpenetrating Network via In-Situ Recombination of PVA

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Weixing Xu
Hui Zeng
Jianfei Zhou
Ya-nan Wang
Bi Shi


In order to improve the quality and utilization of leather split,the strength of leather split should be enhanced. The in-situpolymerization of some monomers has proven to be an effectiveapproach in constructing an interpenetrating network (IPN) insplit and increasing its strength. But this method is almostunacceptable in practice because of the use of volatile monomersand organic solvents. In this study, a new method to constructthe IPN structure in split, in-situ recombination, was developed.Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as compositing agent, and itsmolecular structure and modification conditions wereoptimized. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), potentiometricanalyzer and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) were usedto characterize the mechanism of in-situ recombination. Theresults suggested that PVA with an average polymerizationdegree of 500 and an average alcoholysis degree of 88% couldenhance the strength of split most effectively throughcompositing reaction of PVA and split in 5% PVA aqueoussolution for 120 min under 80°C and pH 7.0. The IPN structurewas successfully constructed between PVA and collagen fibersvia in-situ recombination. A method to enhance the strengths ofleather split with practical application was established.

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