A Virtual Reality: The Impact of Environmental Design on Offender Decision Making

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Miranda Celeste Barker
J.C. Barnes


By Miranda Celeste Barker, Criminal Justice

Advisor: J.C. Barnes

Presentation ID: AM_A64

Abstract: Within the Criminal Justice field, literature surrounding offender decision-making has heavily relied on survey vignettes and anecdotal self-surveys. This literature has various limitations that prevent researchers from acquiring accurate accounts of why offenders make certain decisions during the commission of crime. The understanding of the thought process of offenders in real time could be invaluable and refine crime prevention tactics. The use of virtual reality (VR) to simulate criminal situations opens the door for a plethora of research-specifically in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Using VR technology, this small pilot study of approximately 25 undergraduates will test the impact of environmental barriers (i.e., fences) and positioning (i.e., distance from the street) on potential offenders' decision to burglarize one home over another.

Article Details

AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being