Promoting Conservation of Endangered Hawaiian Plant Species Using Microsatellite Markers and Genetic Analysis
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By Maya David, Biology; Natalia Ungashick, Biology
Advisor: Eric Tepe
Presentation ID: AM_ATRIUM33
Abstract: Our study examined several different endangered species of Hawaiian plants, including species within the Cyanea and Cyrtandra genera. Using genetic microsatellite markers on DNA extracted from the samples, we were able to evaluate the genetic health and makeup of these species. By analyzing the DNA fragments, we are able to determine important genetic information for conservation efforts of these species with implications for future species as well. Genetic analysis allows for an in-depth understanding of the relatedness of our samples, as well as the genetic health of individuals and the species as a whole. This information will be used to plan and implement further conservation efforts between our collaborators, the Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW) at the Cincinnati Zoo and also Lyon Arboretum at Oahu, Hawaii. The genetic analysis is still ongoing but DNA has been successfully extracted with preliminary genetic results indicating the need to conserve to these highly endangered species. This type of genetic research is instrumental in effectively conserving many other endangered plant species in the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere in the world today.