A Booklet of Community Resources for the Geriatric Population in Greater Cincinnati

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Ashley Stevens
John Clark


By Ashley Stevens, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Advisor: John Clark

Presentation ID: AM_B01

Abstract: Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions that the geriatric population faces; as a future audiologist this means a number of my patients will be part of this population. Many times these individuals also have, psychological, emotional, social and physical difficulties that prevent them from achieving optimal wellness. As healthcare professionals, we are often asked to make recommendations for other types of care or resources that may be useful to our patients. I have created a comprehensive list of services that may be useful to the Greater Cincinnati, geriatric population. The goal of this project is to help professionals, patients, and patients' families more easily find services in their area that are aimed at serving the geriatric population. While the booklet that I have created is far from all inclusive, it covers various subject areas that can be a good place to start when searching for different types of care.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body