Supporting Patient-Provider Communication for People with Severe Motor Speech Challenges in Medical Settings.

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Megan Russo
Amiee Dietz


By Megan Russo, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Advisor: Amiee Dietz

Presentation ID: AM_B08

Abstract: Communication failures between patients and health care providers could lead to medical errors. Even though, the Joint Commission outlines the use of modified communication strategies with patients who have communication disorders, it is not often used in the medical settings. The purpose of this Senior Honors Capstone was to aid in the development of an online instructional program, which highlights strategies to support consistent and effective patient-provider communication for people with severe motor speech challenges in medical settings. This poster presentation will summarize the motivation behind the study and explain the development of the instructional materials. Mobile technology will be used to illustrate the just-in-time (JIT) module specific to severe motor speech challenges.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body