Understanding the Use of Patient Generated Data in Psychiatry Clinics: Preliminary Results from Physician Interviews

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Shwetha Bindhu
Danny Wu


By Shwetha Bindhu, Medical Sciences

Advisor: Danny Wu

Presentation ID: AM_B18

Abstract: The increased use of mobile health data and wearable devices have resulted in a large amount of patient generated data (PGD) being used regularly in medical settings and playing a role in the interactions between physicians and patients during appointments. However, variation exists in the manner in which PGD is used by different medical professionals and in different medical settings. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with psychiatrists to understand their different workflow patterns, identify barriers and commonalities in these processes, and to examine the clinicians' use of and attitude towards digital PGD usage. The interviews were analyzed through the following methods: qualitative coding, workflow development, and thematic analysis. This abstract reports the results of the first 7 interviews. The psychiatrists' attitudes towards using digital PGD tended to be positive overall among clinicians. However, more research is needed to determine the best practices of PGD usage so that it may improve patient-physician interaction and facilitate diagnosis and treatment planning.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body