Increased Hip Internal Rotation in Pitchers Correlating with Increased Pitch Velocity & Accuracy

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Paige Lohorn
Makayla Hayes
Thomas Palmer


By Paige Lohorn, Athletic Training; Makayla Hayes, Athletic Training

Advisor: Thomas Palmer

Presentation ID: AM_B23

Abstract: Context: Research shows that a lack in hip range of motion can lead to more stress on the glenohumeral joint[3]in baseball pitchers. Efficient throwing motion requires proper mechanics within all segments of the kinetic chain. We also know that during the stride phase of pitching, the internal rotation of the hip in the stance leg is important for the transfer of energy from the distal segments to the proximal segments.[1]However, there is little evidence to show if more internal rotation of the hip leads to increased velocity of a pitch and if affects the accuracy of a pitch. Objective: Examining internal hip rotation of the pitchers' stance leg, velocity of pitch, and accuracy of a pitch in order to determine if there is a correlation between the 3 variables. Participants: 18 Collegiate male baseball pitchers; average height; average weight Main Outcome Measured: Outcome measured consisted of an increase in pitch velocity and accuracy when an increased hip internal rotation was present in the pitchers stance leg. Hip active ROM was measured bilaterally in the prone position. Results: Correlative values will be assessed. Conclusion: We hypothesize that with an increase in internal rotation of the hip, the velocity of a pitch will increase and the accuracy will improve.

Article Details

AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body