Impact of the built environment on physical activity, well-being, and performance

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Drew Wayman
Paige Reinshagen
Megan York
Susan Kotowski


By Drew Wayman, Health Sciences; Paige Reinshagen, Health Sciences; Megan York, Health Sciences

Advisor: Susan Kotowski

Presentation ID: AM_B34

Abstract: The built environment is made up of all the physical places in which we interact during our daily lives and includes buildings, streets, parks, and so forth. The built environment has been found to have an impact on an individuals' physical activity, productivity, and wellness. With a considerable portion of the population being considered obese, there is a need to understand how the design of the work environment, where people spend a significant portion of their day, influences these factors. The College of Allied Health Sciences will soon be moving from a very old, traditionally designed office/educational building, to a new, modern designed building with very different features. The aim of this project was to evaluate the impact of the current French East building on the faculty, staff, and students and their levels of physical activity, productivity, and well-being. Demographic information and office characteristic information were collected for each participant. At the start of multiple different days participants were asked to complete baseline surveys on their mood and stress. They were then asked to track their physical activity (e.g. sitting/standing/walking) using their iPhone, which they were asked to keep on them the entire time they were in the building. They kept a log of what they were doing throughout the day and completed a survey at the end of the day to again assess mood and stress levels.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body