Contributions of Home Literacy Practices to Kindergarten Children's Oral Language and Reading Skills
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By Allison Shuey, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Advisor: Ying Guo
Presentation ID: AM_C04
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the relations between home literacy practices and kindergarten children's vocabulary and reading skills. This study focuses on both reading-related (frequency of book reading, teaching reading) and writing-related (teaching writing, independent writing) home practices. 282 kindergarteners across the states of Ohio and Georgia participated in the study. Information regarding home literacy practices was obtained by a questionnaire completed by parents. Children were tested individually on standardized measures of vocabulary and word reading. Multiple regression results showed that frequency of book reading and independent writing significantly predicted children's vocabulary and word reading skills. However, parents' teaching of reading and writing did not contribute to children's vocabulary and word reading skills. These findings suggest that practices in the home have an impact on children's vocabulary and reading development.