Dual Language Learning Preschoolers' Responses to Dual Language versus English-Only Video books

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Lauren Hoyt
Amy Hobek


By Lauren Hoyt, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Advisor: Amy Hobek

Presentation ID: AM_C12

Abstract: The interdependence theory of second language acquisition indicates that instruction in a child's first language will transfer to proficiency in the child's second language for language and literacy related academic outcomes (Cummins, 2007). The purpose of this study is to compare the language outcomes of dual language learning children when presented with dual language books versus English only books. Six children were presented with dual language and English-only video adapted preschool books 2 times a week for six weeks. Throughout the presentation, the videos were paused and the children were asked scripted, open-ended questions. The responses to the questions were video recorded, transcribed and analyzed for language outcomes of number of communication units (CU), mean length of utterance in words (MLUw), total number of words (TNW) and number of different words (NDW). Paired sample t tests for all outcomes measures revealed that there were no significant difference between the English only books and the dual language books. Calculated effect sizes indicated that there was a large effect for the Hungry Caterpillar book responses for CU, TNW, and NDW, and a medium effect for MLU; a large effect for the Brown Bear book responses for MLUw; and only small effects in all measures for the Where's Spot? book. Implications will be discussed.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- C: Teaching & Learning