The Effects of Mechanical Stress in the Biological System of Ribonucleases

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Lauren Zeman
Jazmine Crain


By Lauren Zeman, Chemistry

Advisor: Jazmine Crain

Presentation ID: AM_D05

Abstract: In cellular processes, RNA functionality can provide a more beneficial insight into a cell's structural and functional diversity in comparison with DNA. Ribonucleases (RNase), which are essential for the functionality of RNA, are characterized as fundamental ubiquitous enzymes that divide RNA strands into smaller segments. In Mechanochemistry, mechanical stress has been applied to reactions by the use of a ball mill. Mechanical stress is defined as the absorbed pressure after the application of force. Mechanochemistry uses mechanical energy for organic, solvent - free reactions. This research includes the use of the ball mill to provide biomolecules with mechanical stress in the sense that frequency and temperature are quite consistent in comparison with other methods. Once RNase T1 has undergone mechanical stress in the ball mill, it must be tested for its reactivity or enzymatic behavior to identify any structural or functional changes.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers