Thermal Imaging in Infectious Model of Cystic Fibrosis

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Zachary Hostoffer
Brian Peppers


By Zachary Hostoffer, Biological Sciences

Advisor: Brian Peppers

Presentation ID: AM_D10

Abstract: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) can often go undetected to the naked eye. Here, we look at an infectious model through the eye of thermal imaging to identify mice with Cystic Fibrosis. Thermal imaging has been utilized in studies to predict end of life cases, and as a more efficient way to measure body temperature. We hypothesize that infected mice viewed under thermal imagery will show a visual difference between mice with CF and normal wild type mice. Mice were infected with a bug via surgical transplant through the trachea on day zero. Thermal evaluations were then conducted day three after infection. Measurements taken from each mouse includes the average upper/lower-back temperature and a 6-series reading from the lower-back. Data collected into an excel file for statistical analysis Consistent across all subjects, mice with CF displayed lower (higher severity) average 6-series and lower-back temps than wild type mice. Visually, under thermal imaging, CF mice showed a distinct temperature cut off on their back on days one and two of the infection. After day two, the mice that survived trended back towards their original temperatures on day zero. We conclude, using thermal imaging, there is a noticeable difference between infected CF mice and infected wild type mice between day one and day two of infection. Visually we observed clamping in the CF mice, where the heat distribution appears asymmetrical on the back of the mouse. Numerical evidence shows differences in severity of lower-back temperatures and is supported statistically.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers