Oxidation Rate Study of a Novel Self-Cyclizing Reactive Oxygen Species Sensor

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Richard Sawicki
Edward Merino


By Richard Sawicki, Chemistry

Advisor: Edward Merino

Presentation ID: AM_D25

Abstract: In this study, both HPLC and UV/Vis spectroscopy were used to test compounds for potential use as a ROS sensor. Reactive Oxygen Species in excess quantity can damage cells and DNA. Our compound is designed to be oxidized by the ROS and decrease the amount of excess ROS in the body. HPLC experiments showed that our compound was able to be oxidized by H2O2 with a HRP enzyme as a catalyst. The UV/Vis spectroscopy allowed for analysis of degradation over time from oxidation. It showed that at certain wavelengths, the concentration of our compound decreased with time as it was oxidized. A stoichiometric study of the compound produced an equation relating concentration and absorbance. This equation can be used to calculate the concentration of our compound at a given absorption. Which in turn can be used to calculate the amount that has been oxidized from the initial concentration. The amount of ROS present can then be calculated. Our compound shows a promising ability to reduce excess ROS. The degradation of the compound can also be used to release a Menthol scent as it is oxidized by the ROS. This can help to prevent sun overexposure from damaging the cells.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers