The Short Term Neuroprotective Effects of Oral Contraceptive in the Female Brain by Marissa Maltry (Neuroscience)

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Marissa Maltry
Tia Solomon


By Marissa Maltry, Neuropsychology

Advisor: Tia Solomon

Presentation ID: AM_D31

Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the short term effects of common oral contraceptives on the female mouse brain in order to evaluate any change in neuroprotective markers. As the effects of oral contraceptives in the brain have not been given much attention in the research community, the need for this study became obvious. The sample consisted of fifteen female BL6 mice that were divided into three treatment groups. Cholesterol (n=4), Progesterone only (n=5) and a combination of Progesterone and Ethinyl Estradiol (n=6). Each capsule was a 21-day release capsule, and was implanted subcutaneously behind the mouse's neck. The animals were singly housed and tested for memory deficits 15 days after the surgery. The animals were then sacrificed 19 days after the surgery date. Brains were post fixed in 0.4% paraformaldehyde, and sectioned at 50 micrometers. Tissue samples were then stained with GFAP fluorescence and DAPI. Pictures of each sample were taken, and evaluated for neuroprotective markers. It was hypothesized that both of the contraceptive options would show short-term neuroprotective enhancement when compared to the placebo brains.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers