Coping with Patient Death: Therapeutic Interventions for Pediatric Critical Care Nursing

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Theresa Koszycki
Taylor Mcilwain
Lisa Bice
Kathleen Dellerman


By Theresa Koszycki, Nursing; Taylor Mcilwain, Nursing; Lisa Bice, Nursing

Advisor: Kathleen Dellerman

Presentation ID: PM_A18

Abstract: Studies have shown that a significant number of pediatric nurses experience moderate to high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and low levels of personal accomplishment as a result of ineffective coping related to patient death. These symptoms are characteristic of a high risk of burnout. It is evident that there is a need for increased education for nurses on ways to deal with the death of a child to decrease burnout. An informative presentation was delivered to pediatric nurse orienteesof the cardiac intensive care unit at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The goal of this presentation was to help pediatric nurses learn and develop skills to cope with a child's dying process. The presentation was designed to help intensive care nurses learn coping mechanisms, identify signs of stress and burnout, and utilize support systems. A survey was administered after the presentation to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching.

Article Details

PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being