The cultural and social aspects of the archaeo-botanical remains of a protohistoric habitation site in the flood plains of the Little Miami River - Wynema (33Ha837)

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Michael Soellner
David Lentz


By Michael Soellner, Biological Sciences

Advisor: David Lentz

Presentation ID: PM_ATRIUM01

Abstract: As my academic career progressed, I found myself more interested in research and I have chosen a researching pathway for my capstone project. My research includes that of Dr. Lentz, which is the archaeo-botanical aspects of the Wynema site found in Mariemont, Ohio.This archaeological site allows us to take a glimpse into the past cultures reliance on plants in terms of its versatility which can be used in agriculture, diet, habitation, and others life necessities. This research also allows us to interpret the significance of trading between Native Americans tribes but includes the European traders. The analysis and categorization of botanical remains from the protohistoric site is necessary to establish: 1.) a stable determination if in fact Native Americans were indeed trading agricultural goods, and other plant goods, 2.) determine the provenance of botanical artifacts to establish a range. In all I am very eager to study and do research along side Dr. Lentz.

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PM Poster Session -- Atrium -- Sustainability & Biodiversity