Possible genetic processes affected by polymerase mutant strains of Sulfulobus acidocaldarius.

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Jumee Park
Grogan Dennis


By Jumee Park, Biology

Advisor: Grogan Dennis

Presentation ID: PM_ATRIUM18

Abstract: Hyperthermophilic archaea of the genus Sulfolobus are adapted to live in geothermal environments such as in acidic hot springs. Therefore, these HA organisms should have a great need of DNA repair mechanisms since higher mutation rates and frequent DNA damages are expected in such conditions. Interestingly, however, these organisms lack groups of DNA repair protein families that being found among eukaryotes and some archaea. Many genetic processes might be affected if PolB2 or PolB3 mutant strains of Sulfolobus were inactivated. Even though the polymerases are not essential for cell survival, their conservation suggests that they play some important roles. It was hypothesized that conjugation and survival rates are affected. The survival rates of the bacteria was highly different based on the different polymerase mutant strains and also the conditions It was grown in. The conditions the bacteria was grown in are 37C, room temperature light, room temperature dark and 4C.

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PM Poster Session -- Atrium -- Sustainability & Biodiversity