Creating a Macro-Analysis on Various U.S. Companies to Create a 40,000-Foot-Perspective

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Dzhamal Sarvalov
Kemal Sarvalov
Olivia Mesecar
Thomas Moore


By Dzhamal Sarvalov, Philosophy; Kemal Sarvalov, Biological Sciences; Olivia Mesecar, History & International Affairs

Advisor: Thomas Moore

Presentation ID: PM_ATRIUM32

Abstract: Various U.S. companies were analyzed by using the Bloomberg data to assess the companies' profits, sales, and assets. Additionally, the percentage of international vs. domestic ownership, revenue, and assets were gathered from the Bloomberg data. Furthermore, the percentage of international ownership was gathered to assess the degree of globalization for the said companies. More specifically, the 2012 Bloomberg data were used to gather all of the data. The various industries that were examined ranged from tobacco, printing & publishing, to healthcare. These findings can help the role of multi-national corporations in economic globalization.

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PM Poster Session -- Atrium -- Sustainability & Biodiversity