Daphnia Magna Demonstrate Severe Toxicity of Storm Water
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By Lauren Wedel, Biology
Advisor: Latonya Jackson
Presentation ID: PM_ATRIUM39
Abstract: First season rain events and snowmelt carry high levels of pollutants, where they are deposited directly from surrounding storm water sewer systems to nearby receiving waterways (Karlsson et al., 2010). Seasonal first flushes of storm water demonstrate high levels of pollutants such as heavy metals, organic compounds, and snow-melting agents. In order to understand the quality of and harm caused by contaminated water mediums, strategic investigations must be explored to determine the detrimentally of the source. The USEPA's acute toxicity tests were run on the common invertebrate, Daphnia magna, to demonstrate the toxicity of storm water runoff from major highways, creeks and rivers in Cincinnati, Ohio. First flush seasonal rainfall collected in March 2019 resulted in the death of all individuals within 48-72 hours, and majority of the community after 48 hours. After dilutions as small as 3%, the water mediums remained lethal to the invertebrates. D. magna and other invertebrates support the entire ecological food chain of aquatic ecosystems. The health and vitality of all levels of the aquatic food chain are dependent on the survival of the D. magna and other primary consumers, and toxic storm water runoff is becoming malignant to the higher level consumers of the food chain. Receiving waterways require management of storm water runoff to prevent high levels of potential contaminants to be distributed in and around them.