Efficacy of Proprioceptive Insoles on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
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By Elizabeth Kroeger, Allied Health Sciences- Exercise and Movement; Savannah Montgomery, Health Sciences- Physiology ; Alexis Campbell, Health Sciences- Occupational Therapy
Advisor: Susan Kotowski
Presentation ID: PM_B06
Abstract: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus and has the greatest morbidity and mortality rates for the condition. DPN damages peripheral nerves, primarily ones of hands and feet, and leads to a decrease in sensation. The risk of falls, especially in the geriatric population, is significantly higher for individuals with DPN. There are many commercial products available that claim to mitigate the symptoms of DPN. The purpose of this study is to assess various measures of balance and gait in individuals with DPN and to determine if proprioceptive neuro-insoles improve gait and balance of individuals with DPN. Participants completed a series of trials testing their balance and gait, including functional reach, single-leg balance, timed-up & go, and stepping up/over/down tasks. Trials were performed first with subjects wearing their normal shoes and then again with the added proprioceptive neuro-insoles. Data collection included surface EMG of the lower extremity muscles, ground reaction forces using force plates, and kinematic data from a motion capture system. We expect the individuals to have improved gait and balance, favoring the proprioceptive neuro-insoles as beneficial for those with DPN.