Effects of Aerobic Cool-down vs Yoga Cool-Down on Flexibility After HIIT Workout.

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Puja Patel
Chanel Crawford
Cassie Neary
Rachel Gleason


By Puja Patel, Health Sciences - Physiological Science; Chanel Crawford, Health Sciences - Exercise & Movement; Cassie Neary, Health Sciences - Exercise & Movement

Advisor: Rachel Gleason

Presentation ID: PM_B33

Abstract: The length tension relationship of muscles states that when muscles are stretched to their ideal length, maximal muscle contraction is more feasible. There is research that supports the idea that Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) can have an effect on flexibility and usually occurs after training at high intensities. To our knowledge, there is not any literature that has studied the effects of three types of post exercise cool-downs on flexibility after High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The aims of this project are to determine the effects of aerobic cooldown versus a yoga cooldown on flexibility after fatigue. A total of 36 subjects between 18-24 years old will be studied. In order to perform this experiment, individuals meeting the inclusive criteria will undergo baseline ROM measures and will be asked to follow the protocol for the experiment. The subjects will perform 5 minute warm up, perform 4 wingate test for 30 seconds with low intensity cycling for 1 minute between. Subjects will be placed in one of three cool down groups: no cool down, yoga flow, or aerobic. Each cooldown will be for 5 minutes and then followed up with the same flexibility measurements taken at baseline. Subjects will return for flexibility measurements 24-72 hours post test and will be asked to refrain from exercising during this time. Descriptive statistics will be calculated for all variables along with an ANOVA test to determine the differences between groups.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body