Sagittal Trunk and Knee Flexion Angles following Fatigue in ROTC Rangers

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Lauren Henry
Thomas Palmer


By Lauren Henry, Athletic Training

Advisor: Thomas Palmer

Presentation ID: PM_B36

Abstract: Motor control of the trunk and knee during jump landing tasks has been reported to potentially impact both performance and injury prevention. Muscular fatigue of the trunk muscles seen during sport may result in adverse knee torsion angles during cutting and landing tasks thus increasing the risk of injury to the lower extremity. The purpose of this testing is to determine if trunk muscle fatigue effects terminal knee and trunk flexion angles during a jump landing test. All subjects performed a familiarization testing session to assure appropriate testing protocol. Subjects stood on a Boditrak Blast force plate with feet shoulder width apart. They were prompted to perform three separate consecutive vertical jump-landing tasks; reaching as high as possible toward a target directly above their head, with the left, right and both hands. one hand reaching, then another jump with the opposite hand reaching. Data was be recorded (knee angle, trunk angle, GRF, vertical height). After all jumps are recorded, the subjects will be put through a series of trunk fatiguing exercises. Quickly following the exercising, the testing will be redone, and the data will be recorded.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body