Investigation of Effects of Music Genre on Perceived Exertion

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Ogechi Iloegbunam
Gabe Vargas
Susan Kotowski


By Ogechi Iloegbunam, Health Sciences; Gabe Vargas, Health Sciences

Advisor: Susan Kotowski

Presentation ID: PM_B47

Abstract: Music has been viewed as a medium through which humans find comfort and motivation in many ways. Many studies have been conducted on the physiologic and mental effects of music on subjects. Through investigative analysis, it was seen that music, in moderate to high intensity exercise, may influence the less trained population more compared to the well trained. While there is much literature, there was contradictory evidence due to discrepancies in music genre and tempo. This is important because some genres and tempos may be more impactful than others. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of music genre on subjects' rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and heart rate. The population in focus was male and female college-aged students, 18-25 years old. The research conducted involved a cycle ergometer and pulse oximeter, or heart rate monitor. Subjects were asked to partake in three trials; each trial involving fifteen minutes of cycling while RPE and heart rate were recorded every three minutes. One trial without music was used as the baseline and then two other trials utilizing music of various genres but within the same tempo range (160-180bpm) were completed by each subject. It is expected that there will be a perceived difference in the more intense genres.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body