Utilizing Self-Monitoring Goals with Students in a High-School Transitional Program

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Jessica Beran
Nicola Redmond
Emily Relic
Carney Sotto


By Jessica Beran, Communication Sciences & Disorders; Nicola Redmond, Communication Sciences & Disorders; Emily Relic, Communication Sciences & Disorders

Advisor: Carney Sotto

Presentation ID: PM_C13

Abstract: Previous research has found that an astounding number of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not hold a paid job post-graduation. Accordingly, there is a need for high-school transition programs that help to create an environment conducive to learning valuable life skills to increase their ability to live and work more independently. The mission of The University of Cincinnati's Collaboration for Employment and Education Synergy (CEES), is to create community integrated employment experiences that incorporate meaningful social interactions with peers and employers and provide families with the support to develop high expectations and actively engage in the transition process. During the 2018-2019 academic year, Communication Sciences and Disorders students, Speech-Language Pathology graduate student clinicians and Special Education student teachers have utilized students' self-monitoring goals to ensure that they are aware of their own behaviors to be more successful in their post high school pursuits. Self monitoring can be defined as the act of observing and regulating one's own behavior in a social context. The CEES program, in tandem with the self-monitoring goals, hopes to give high school students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities the tools they need to succeed after high school.

Article Details

PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- C: Teaching & Learning