Empowering the Next Generation of Nurses to Fight CAUTI Incidence in the Inpatient Setting

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Kaitlyn Mullins
Alisha Martin
Kristen Hyla
Jeanine Goodin


By Kaitlyn Mullins, Nursing; Alisha Martin, Nursing ; Kristen Hyla, Nursing

Advisor: Jeanine Goodin

Presentation ID: PM_C24

Abstract: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections are one of the leading hospital acquired infections in the UnitedStates. Multidisciplinary approaches led by nurses have shown to decrease the incidence of CAUTI in hospitalizedpatients. The purpose of this project is to educate and empower students nurses to lead the way on preventingCAUTI in the clinical setting and once in the workforce. An educational video was used to present informationregarding foley catheters including the following topics: sterile foley insertion technique, proper foley care, criteriafor insertion and removal of a foley, and understanding the signs and symptoms associated with CAUTI. A post testwas then used to evaluate effectiveness of teaching to student nurses. The results of the test indicated an increasein knowledge of foley care and CAUTI prevention measures. Students also reported that the presentation empoweredthem to advocate for their patients in the future related to CAUTI prevention.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- C: Teaching & Learning