Matrix for Photodynamic Therapy

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Mitchell Eastland
Peng Zhang


By Mitchell Eastland, B.S. Chemistry

Advisor: Peng Zhang

Presentation ID: PM_D05

Abstract: The development of antibiotic resistant bacteria strains has raised a great concern in the health care system. New antibacterial approaches have been investigated and the photodynamic inactivation is a promising alternative among the others. In this aspect, the vehicle that will delivery the active component for the treatment is important, since it could enhance or limit the efficacy of the compound. In this research, multiple matrices were formulated and tested to determine their effectiveness in holding the dye tetrakis-(N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin (TMPyP) for microbial photodynamic inactivation treatment. The matrices produced and tested include a carbomer gel, a polyacrylic acid/polyallylamine gel, and a hydrogel produced using polyacrylic acid and calcium. It is important to have a suitable matrix for the photosensitizer because certain mediums could potentially interfere with the incoming light or not be permeable enough to release the reactive oxygen species produced by the dye, which would decrease the treatment efficiency. The chosen matrices present some benefits because they are commonly used in cosmetics, and cheap to produce. The effectiveness of these formulations was tested by photodynamic inactivation essays, which showed that each formulation has a different effect on the bacteria.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers