Synthesis and Characterization of Two Anionic Phthalocyanine Metal Complexes

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John Quinn
Peng Zhang


By John Quinn, Biochemistry

Advisor: Peng Zhang

Presentation ID: PM_D22

Abstract: Authors: John Quinn (undergraduate), Rebecca N. Silva (graduate), Peng Zhang (P.I.) As methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains develop increasing resistance to traditional antibiotics, research into alternative treatments has gained momentum. Photosensitization using singlet oxygen producing complexes, commonly known as photodynamic inactivation (PDI), offers a method of treatment of MRSA that is inherently less susceptible to the development of drug resistance pathways. Phthalocyanine metal complexes as a class show promise as photosensitizing agents due to the ability to produce singlet oxygen upon irradiation. However, one obstacle to their use as photosensitizers is their general hydrophobicity, which renders them incompatible with aqueous distribution. In this project, two anionic phthalocyanine metal complexes were synthesized in a one-pot synthesis using either Zn(II) or Pd(II) metal centers. These complexes were then purified and characterized by UV-visible and infrared spectroscopies. The fluorescence properties of these metal complexes and their ability to generate singlet oxygen were also investigated.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers