Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing: A study on the Impact of Pulse Frequency

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Natalie Reed
Murali Sundaram


By Natalie Reed, Mechanical Engineering

Advisor: Murali Sundaram

Presentation ID: PM_D33

Abstract: Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing (ECAM) is a new process in manufacturing metal parts. Using the methodology behind metal electroplating we can print 3 dimensional metal shapes in a liquid substrate. This results in a mask-less process that produces metal parts with improved properties compared to traditional metal 3D printing processes. Because this process is still relatively new there are gaps in the understanding of the influence of many parameters that affect the process, one of which is examined in this study. This study explores the relationship between the diameter of the material deposit and the frequency with which the electrical pulses are supplied. Currently, results indicate that with higher pulse frequencies the diameter of the deposit decreases. However, the total rate of deposit has shown to stay consistent meaning that higher pulse frequencies result in a faster rate of vertical deposit. The presentation will cover the methodology behind the electrochemical additive manufacturing process as well as the experimental procedure that led to the discovery of how pulse frequency impacts material deposit.

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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers