What is the nature of Sino-African economic relations?

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Matthew Birch
Thomas Moore


By Matthew Birch, Political Science

Advisor: Thomas Moore

Presentation ID: CC_2

Abstract: China has become one of the largest players in the economies of various African nations. Billions of dollars in aids and investment have been pouring in from China into the economies of various nations in all corners of the fastest growing continent on earth. I will explore what interest China has in providing this aid and investment for various nations in Africa. I will explore the interest which these nations have in this relationship. I will go on to explore how this relationship could perhaps be detrimental to Africa. Various other questions raise out of this relationship. How is this relationship affected by/ affecting democratization or autocracy in Africa? How is the relationship affected by/ affecting corruption in both Africa and China? How will this relationship affect long term development in China? And what does this relationship mean for China's global power and it's relationship with America? As China raises in influence in Africa, we are bound to see some changes. I am curious as to what these will be.

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Capstone Competition -- Cinema