Analysis of Hematoporphyrin as a synthesizer for Hematoporphyrin IX and Hematoporphyrin Dihydrochloride

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Joseph Mccauley
Peng Zhang


By Joseph Mccauley, Chemistry

Advisor: Peng Zhang

Presentation ID: CC_5

Abstract: Abstract Hematoporphyrin (HP) and hematoporphyrin IX (HPIX) have been successful in experimental usage as leading compounds in nanoparticle synthesis. An alternative method of obtaining Hematoporphyrin IX is needed as it is no longer commercially available for experimentation. My research explored the possibilities of synthesizing hematoporphyrin IX from a surplus of hematoporphyrin and hydrochloric acid (HCl), as well as an analysis of the potential synthesis of hematoporphyrin dihydrchloride. An increase in understanding of hematoporphyrin was needed before proceeding in my research. I used an in-depth approach to analyze HPIX and HP using UV-vis and fluorescence spectra. Alongside the spectra data there was a multitude of experiments preformed. In the early stages of my research it was discovered that HPIX and HP were indeed the same molecule based on the matching UV-vis and fluorescent spectra data. With this discovery of HPIX and HP, a further look into synthesizing hematoporphyrin dihydrochloride was examined to proceed the research. The comparisons studied between hematoporphyrin IX and hematoporphyrin has proven as a successful method of obtaining hematoporphyrin dihydrochloride. Keywords: synthesis, water soluble hematoporphyrin, singlet oxygen generation

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Capstone Competition -- Cinema