What's in Store for Europe: Exploring the Possibility of Reconciling Euroskeptic Positions in a European Constitution

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David Prentice
Michele Vialet


By David Prentice, Architecture

Advisor: Michele Vialet

Presentation ID: Room 419_3

Abstract: It appears that the European Union is in an unsustainable position. It cannot continue forever in its current quasi-national state, but will it ever be capable of unifying into a single nation? If so how? To answer these questions, I will examine modern Eurosceptical positions, determine which ones are and are not possible to incorporate into a united European Union, and finally propose possible compromises and solutions that could be incorporated in the drafting of a new European Union constitution. Several Eurosceptic positions seem incompatible with a single European nation, while others could be addressed in the drafting of a constitution that would reconcile enough concerns to allow for ratification in several countries. On the other hand, if compromises are not made or are found lacking, what will become of the EU? A workable solution might entail a very limited federal government with a very specific description of its powers and duties, with the Member States retaining all other powers. The theoretical model would closely resemble the US Constitution and Bill of Rights at the end of the 18th century. A smaller federal government might be able to appease many of the concerns held by Eurosceptics while still creating a single nation.


Article Details


Podium Presentation -- Room 419 -- International Affairs