Short Versus Long Intervals for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIT) in Chronic Stroke: Within-Session Exercise Responses
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By Sarah Doren, Health Sciences - Exercise and Movement Science
Advisor: Pierce Boyne
Presentation ID: Room 423_2
Abstract: High-intensity interval training (HIT) is a promising strategy for improving gait and aerobic fitness after stroke, that involves bursts of concentrated effort alternated with recovery periods. However, interval durations have varied widely across previous research and no stroke studies have compared short and long interval HIT. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare within-session exercise responses for short versus long interval HIT in persons with chronic stroke. Ten participants (mean ? SD) 59.8 ? 6.8 years old and 2.4 ? 1.7 years post stroke with comfortable gait speed of 0.41 ? 0.35 m/s, who passed a symptom-limited treadmill exercise stress test with electrocardiographic monitoring. Participants performed 12 sessions of HIT over 4 weeks, alternating between short and long interval HIT sessions, with the first session randomized across participants. Both HIT protocols included 10 minutes of over-ground HIT (OG1), then 20 minutes of treadmill HIT, followed by another 10 minutes of over-ground HIT (OG2). Short interval HIT involved 30 second bursts at maximum safe speed and 30-60 second rest periods. Long interval HIT involved 4-minute bursts at ~90% of peak heart rate (HRpeak) from the exercise test and 3-minute recovery periods at ~70% HRpeak. Variables recorded each session included: gait training speed (OG1, treadmill and OG2); heart rate (OG1, treadmill and OG2); step count (full session); and rating of perceived exertion (full session RPE). Mixed effects models compared short and long interval protocols.