The Prevalence of Adverse Effects Reported by Staff in Halfway Houses

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Kaitlyn Hulten
Sarah Manchak


By Kaitlyn Hulten

Advisor: Sarah Manchak

Presentation ID: AM_34

Abstract: Working with offender populations poses a number of unique challenges to staff including exposure to serious adverse events such as violence, suicide, and drug overdose. These events may be particularly common in treatment environments such as halfway houses, where offenders receive services and live. Estimating the prevalence of these events is an important first step toward understanding their impact on residents and staff and preventing such events from occurring in the first place. The present study reports data collected between 2013 and 2018 for five local halfway houses. Incidence rates by time and incidence rates by type of adverse incident are reported. Implications and next research steps will be presented.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being