Photoactive Nanoparticles for Melanoma Treatment

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Dawn Sodders
Clifford Larrabee


By Dawn Sodders, Biology

Advisor: Clifford Larrabee

Presentation ID: PM_D35


The anticancer properties of cisplatin were discovered in 1965, creating the field of metallodrug cancer therapy. Ongoing challenges to metallodrug research include overcoming poor solubility/bioavailability and systemic toxicity of the metal complexes. Generally, these issues are addressed on a case-by-case basis with few successful general approaches to effective drug design. Here we describe the preparation and characterization of photoactive nanoparticles where the bioavailability concerns are addressed by formulating a nonionic surfactant nanocarrier and the systemic toxicity is addressed by an encapsulated photo-activated iron complex. The nanoparticles show significant light-induced cytotoxicity against human melanoma (A375) cells with no dark cytotoxicity at concentrations of 5 to 30 ?M. The combination of aqueous solubility and photo-induced cytotoxicity of the nanoparticle yields a viable candidate for the treatment of melanoma and embodies the general approach of assigning separate therapeutic functionality to the nonionic surfactant nanocarrier and the encapsulated metal complex forming the nanoparticles.       Keywords: photoactive nanoparticles, bioavailability, cytotoxicity, melanoma 


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PM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- D: New Frontiers