Do parent-child relationships moderate the effect of self esteem on antisocial behavior?

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Ryan Grace
Joseph Nedelec


By Ryan Grace, Psychology and minor of Criminal Justice

Advisor: Joseph Nedelec

Abstract: Self esteem and parental relationships play a big role in our lives growing up. Parent-child interactions shape children's self esteem, which in turn can influence a number of outcomes throughout the lifespan. The present study examines the effect of parent-child relationships quality, child self-esteem, and delinquent behavior in youth. Using a non-Western sample, this study offers a unique understanding about the generalizability of the effects on parent-child relationships on later outcomes, and it extends the literature to focus on behavioral outcomes such as property, violent, and overall crime. This study is a secondary data analysis of a unique data set that included 703 undergraduate and graduate students at a university in India who completed a self-report survey assessing these constructs.

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