Understanding the Impact of the "Signs of Suicide" Program

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Hannah Kimble
Gary Dick


By Hannah Kimble, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Abstract: Objective: This research aims to evaluate the effects of the Signs of Suicide program at a local Clermont County middle school in Ohio. Aim of study: The aim of this study will determine students who participate in the current 2019-2020 SOS program will have lower rates of depression, suicide ideations, and if the program gets the students into services; like prevention services, therapy, and also case management. Method: This research analyzes the data collected over the 2019-2020 school year to determine the follow through of services for students being referred. The measurement of this study will be the Brief Screen for Adolescent Depression screening tool and the results that come from the scores from moderate to high risk. Another measurement will be the collected data to get information about the students; their BSAD score, gender, and if they were referred to services. Results: The data of 2019-2020 school year shows that there is a 65.7% follow through rate or parent agreement to services for students who were in need. The data shows that 41.3% were male and 58.7% were female for follow through for services. Conclusions: SOS is effective with students getting into services as needed, this can allow students to learn positive problem solving through effective evidence-based Cognitive-Behavioral interventions.

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