An Observational Study: COVID-19's Impact on Mental Health Services and Programs in a School-Based Setting

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Amber Grizzle
Anjanette Wells


By Amber Grizzle, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Awards: Project Advisor Award: Excellence in Research Mentoring

Presentation ID: 11

Abstract: This study strives to describe the effects of COVID-19 on middle school students' access to mental health services in their schools. The researcher did this through systematic observation. Secondary data was collected through agency published reports, surveys, and guidelines. The data was then analyzed to create a written report as well as infographics. This study focuses on the mental health services middle school students receive from their school environment, the referral process, the professionals who provide services, and the threat that COVID-19 has had toward providing services.

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Category: COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations