Identifying Target Sites for Placental Therapeutics through the Comparison of Normal Term Pregnancies and Intrauterine Growth Restricted Proteomes

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Amanda Bowman
Helen Jones


By Amanda Bowman, Medical Laboratory Science

Advisor: Helen Jones

Awards: Project Advisor Award: Excellence in Research Mentoring

Presentation ID: 27

Abstract: A variety of pathologies, including intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), have been linked to placental insufficiencies as important causal factors, however, little remains understood in the way of molecular development of said conditions. In order to recognize developmental dispositions that may characterize pathologies, we observed the proteome of the syncytiotrophoblast membranes from a normal term pregnancy, identifying several key genes, proteins, and pathways that could play an important role in conditions such as IUGR. Distinct expression of membrane proteins (CDC42, CD59, RAB5C, and STBP) show promise in understanding the role of cytoskeletal development, inflammatory regulation, and cellular signaling in both healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Also discovered were receptor proteins such as CALR and EGFR whose mechanistic functions may be critical to avoiding placental insufficiencies. Joined with supporting pathway identifications, critical points of interest involving Rho GTPase signaling, interleukin signaling, and IGF signaling pathways are seen as promising development sites that may lead to a better understanding of IUGR and potential therapeutic intervention.

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Category: New Frontiers