Improvement of Preeclampsia Outcomes through Effective Management and Treatment

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Brooke O'Toole
Abbie Mahlman
Kaylie Harris
Mariah Cornett
Becky Davis
Paul Lewis


By Brooke O'Toole , Nursing; Abbie Mahlman , Nursing ; Kaylie Harris , Nursing ; Mariah Cornett, Nursing; Becky Davis, Nursing

Advisor: Paul Lewis

Presentation ID: 72

Abstract: Preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal death and illness globally. This disease affects 2-8% of pregnancies worldwide and 15% of premature births in the United States. Although the most effective treatment is the delivery of the baby and placenta, the purpose of our project is to educate obstetric nurses about management of preeclampsia so they can recognize early warning signs, gain knowledge on available treatments, and develop treatment plans. Our research team created an educational powerpoint/video presentation to present to the obstetric nurses, explaining recent preeclampsia research on management and treatment. Our research team provided a pre and post assessment, composed of 6 questions for the nurses to take to assess the knowledge gained. When comparing the data from our pre and post assessments, there is an increase in knowledge gained after reviewing our educational powerpoint. These findings indicate that educational resources, such as a powerpoint presentation, are effective. In conclusion, increasing knowledge and education to obstetric nurses, will improve the care and outcomes of preeclamptic patients.

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Category: Preparing and Sustaining Nursing Professionals