The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Abuse and Neglect Reporting in Child Welfare

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Emily Daniel
Anjanette Wells


By Emily Daniel, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Awards: Project Advisor Award: Excellence in Research Mentoring

Presentation ID: 74

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way-of-life for all people, including children being sexually abused, physically abused, and neglected. These children also encountered mandated reporters at a rate much lower than ever before. To test whether or not these factors have an impact on sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect reports made to child welfare agencies, this study explores report data and employee surveys at the Warren County Children Services agency. Although there is a difference in reports made after COVID-19 restrictions were implemented compared to previous years, the differences are not significant. Implications of these findings are discussed to child welfare agencies exploring the best options to protect children being harmed during the pandemic; these children are not exposed to their communities as frequently. For example, how will child welfare agencies better discover what children are being harmed and are in need of services?

Article Details

Category: COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations