Battered Women: Factors Contributing to Returning to the Relationship and Leaving for the Final Time

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Lizzie Chordas
Gary Dick


By Lizzie Chordas, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Presentation ID: 100

Abstract: The factors contributing to women leaving abusive relationships can be multifaceted, as can returning to one. This study examined those factors contributing to women both leaving and returning to abusive relationships. The study presents interviews from 4 female advocates at Women Helping Women. The results show that many women leave abusive relationships once they have resources available and a safety plan in place. In addition, a bad beat up can contribute to leaving. Many survivors return to abusive relationships because they're in love and they try to always see the best in their partner. In addition, children in common can lead women back. In order to solve these issues, more resources need to be available for all survivors of abuse.

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Category: Social (In)Justice