Demographic Characteristics of Women in Abusive Relationships

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Kayla Stemmer
Gary Dick


By Kayla Stemmer, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Presentation ID: 101

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify demographic characteristics of women in abusive relationships, to the extent that they could be grouped by common factors into a typology. This is a quantitative research study utilizing a secondary analysis of Women Helping Women's database to determine specific demographic characteristics that describe abused women in intimate relationships. I am using a deductive approach to determine the extent to which certain demographic variables might describe abused women in intimate relationships to the extent a descriptive typology emerges. Participants include 50 randomly selected women that came to Women Helping Women for help. My main findings include the fact that certain characteristics describe abused women in intimate relationships; there are common factors that could categorize women based on demographics to the extent that they could be grouped by common factors into a typology described by race, sexual orientation, relationship status, and age. This study also found that black women are disproportionately affected by domestic violence. Despite comprising only 13.4% of the United States population, this study found that 42% of study participants reaching out for help were black women; the same number of white women reached out while comprising 61% of the United States population. The study concludes that these numbers indicate that straight black women who have a current intimate partner and are in their 30s are at the most risk of being affected by intimate partner violence. Domestic violence is a public health crisis.

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Category: Social (In)Justice