Emancipated Youth Discharge Outcomes: The Association Between Services and Improvement

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Kylie Cox
Gary Dick


By Kylie Cox, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Presentation ID: 152

Abstract: Emancipation from foster care has found many youths facing challenges exploring their newly independent life. Throughout Ohio, a program named Bridges was put in place to help support these newly independent youths' transition into their adulthood. This quantitative study examines discharge outcome data from two regions in Ohio, Cincinnati and Lima, during January to March 2020 as well as April to June 2020. The outcomes displayed seven questions examining which services were provided to the youths and their improvement through discharge. The seven questions entail face to face contact, home transitions, educational/occupational goals, educational/occupational program attendance, living arrangements, health needs, and maintenance of daily living skills. The sample given was nine individuals, three African American females, three Caucasian females, one African American male, and two Caucasian males between the ages of nineteen and twenty-two. The results indicated there was positive outcomes showing the youths participating in their required visits and they had three or less moves in the last twelve months. There were mixed results concerning the youths' educational and occupational goals and if they were meeting them. Overall it was determined that the youths made improvement based on their initial plan at the end of their discharge. The study faced limitations due to access and sample size. This program has been beneficial for setting up young adults to overcome the barriers that they may face.

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Category: Social (In)Justice