Improving Vocal Health in Mask-Wearing Community Workers

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Kelly Carraro
Lauren Humpert
Victoria McKenna


By Kelly Carraro, Speech Language Hearing Science; Lauren Humpert, Speech Language Hearing Science

Advisor: Victoria McKenna

Awards: Presenter Award: Excellence in Research Communication

Presentation ID: 170

Abstract: With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many community members are required to wear face masks. However, people report difficulty speaking through masks and no public health education tools are currently available. Therefore, the purpose of our project was to develop and test educational content to help community members improve masked-based communication. First, we developed and vetted educational content via interviews with voice experts (n=8) and mask-wearing community members (n=10). We then created four finalized educational modules (see To test the impact of these modules on behavioral outcomes, we enrolled 5 healthcare providers in two sessions, both at the end of their workweek. In session 1, we examined their current communication problems, use of strategies, and their self-perceived dyspnea (shortness of breath) and vocal effort during readings with and without a mask. Then, we showed them the educational modules and assessed their understanding. In session 2, we reassessed their communication strategies, their module information retention, and their dyspnea and effort during masked communication. The results showed that participants were able to learn and retain the educational content provided with test/re-test accuracy > 90%. Participants increased their use of communication strategies from sessions 1 to 2, especially in improved posture, increased hydration, and use of vocal naps. However, participants continued to report elevated amounts of dyspnea and vocal effort when communicating with a mask. In conclusion, health education may be beneficial to mask-wearing healthcare workers, but more work is needed to alleviate their consistent reports of increased vocal effort throughout their workday.


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Category: COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations