Transitioning from Student to RN

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Emma Sopko
Camryn Hill
Megan Sanders
Erin Cronan
Rachel Hatcher
Lori Catalano


By Emma Sopko, Nursing; Camryn Hill, Nursing; Megan Sanders , Nursing; Erin Cronan, Nursing; Rachel Hatcher, Nursing

Advisor: Lori Catalano

Awards: Project Advisor Award: Excellence in Research Mentoring; Presenter Award: Excellence in Research Communication

Presentation ID: 209

Abstract: Transitioning from a nursing student to a registered nurse is a stressful and challenging process. Hospitals have implemented nurse residency programs and orientation programs to help the transition during the first year of employment. Less attention has been paid to pre-graduation programs and what can be done to help facilitate this transition prior to graduation. The purpose of our project is to educate second-year nursing students on the benefits of pre-graduation hospital employment, such as patient-care assistant (PCA) and Co-Op positions, when transitioning from a student to a registered nurse. An educational PowerPoint in a lecture format was created to present to second-year nursing students. Our presentation included: the roles and benefits of PCA and Co-Op positions, the various differences between hospital employment and clinical, and research that supports our educational findings. The second-year nursing students were given a pre- and post-lecture survey to measure their overall willingness to seek hospital employment prior to graduation. Of the second-year nursing students that completed the pre- and post-survey, there was an 8% increase in student willingness to seek out hospital employment prior to graduation. The increase in willingness shown by the students indicates that this was new and vital information.

Article Details

Category: Preparing and Sustaining Nursing Professionals