Virtual Courses and Social Interactions: Children with Disabilities

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Madison Bradford
Kimberly mcCormick


By Madison Bradford, Early Childhood Education

Advisor: Kimberly mcCormick

Presentation ID: 215

Abstract: Early childhood education is looking very different than ever before due to COVID-19. Children and teachers are adapting to this new way of learning. This is especially true for students with disabilities. Social interactions play a huge part in children's lives and learning. My question is how and to what extent are children with disabilities receiving social interactions with other students in their virtual courses? My project will be based off of student's opinions and feelings of school during this time. The work of my project will highlight if students are excelling or not due to interactions with their classmates. My work will also share insights into how students are feeling about their virtual schooling. All children deserve an equal opportunity in the classroom to make their days more enjoyable. I am hoping that with this project, I will have a better scope into children's social interactions in the virtual courses. Social interactions with students of disabilities play a huge part in learning. This knowledge will be beneficial to many aspiring preservice teachers because they can use this research to upgrade the number of social interactions children of disabilities have with other students and see how students feel. It is important for teachers to be taking students emotions and feelings of students into their teaching. To conclude, social interactions play a huge part in children's learning and feeling about school as teachers it is our responsibility to promote these social interactions as much as possible throughout these virtual school days.

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Category: Teaching and Learning