Getting to the Park : Identifying Disparities in Greenspace Access​

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Noah Bruce
Noah Rihm
Abigail Stidham
Noel Ologo
Carla Wilson
Robert Hyland


By Noah Bruce, Environmental Studies; Noah Rihm, Environmental Studies ; Abigail Stidham, Environmental Studies ; Noel Ologo, Environmental Studies; Carla Wilson, Univerity of Cincinnati

Advisor: Robert Hyland

Presentation ID: 226

Abstract: Our team, comprised of five undergraduate students from the Environmental Studies program at the University of Cincinnati, measured the quality and safety of two separate walking paths leading to Burnet Woods: one from Rockdale Academy and the other from Fairview-Clifton German Language School. Team members identified and classified the flora found of these walking paths. Our team also conducted a pedestrian-level-of-safety (PLOS) test on the walking paths, as well as reviewed institutional histories affecting development in the area. The team concluded that both paths are relatively unsafe, but a noticeable disparity exists between the two paths due to unsafe walking conditions, unequal distances, and disproportionate impacts of the urban sprawl.

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Category: Health and Well-Being