Comparison of the OMNI and Borg Perceived Exertion Scales During Performance of the Chester Step Test

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Kellie McCauley
Emily Heinzelman
William Hennessy
Susan Kotowski


By Kellie McCauley, Health Sciences; Emily Heinzelman , Health Sciences; William Hennessy , Health Sciences

Advisor: Susan Kotowski

Presentation ID: 239

Abstract: The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale is a well-known and validated method to assess the intensity of a physical activity. It is based in psychophysics and the perception of physical sensations such as heart rate, respiration rate, sweating and muscle fatigue as they relate to how hard one feels they are working.  There is a high correlation between the Borg RPE scale and actual heart rate. The are several different OMNI Scales, all based on a 0-10 scale, which are another method of assessing physical activity intensity. OMNI scales are activity specific and have been developed for multiple different activities such as walking, biking, weightlifting, and so forth. There were three main goals of this project: 1. to determine the correlation of the OMNI scale to the Borg scale during a traditional 2-minute Chester Step Test, 2. to determine the correlation of the scales during a modified 1-minute Chester Step Test, and 3. to determine if the OMNI scores are an accurate predictor of actual heart rate. Subjects with a BMI < 30 were recruited in two age groups (< 30 years old, and 30-60 years old) were recruited to perform both the 1 and 2-minute interval step tests. Each participant wore a heart rate monitor and gave their heart rate, Borg and OMNI scores at the end of each interval during the step test.

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Category: Health and Well-Being