Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Provider Stress and Burnout

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Kathryn Byrne
Claire Bruening
Bailey Black
Susan Kotowski


By Kathryn Byrne, Health Sciences; Claire Bruening, Health Sciences; Bailey Black, Health Sciences

Advisor: Susan Kotowski

Presentation ID: 245

Abstract: Healthcare workers have faced especially challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic, likely more so than any other profession. The aim of this study was to evaluate how COVID-19 impacted healthcare provider stress and burnout, assess how their work changed during the pandemic, and what work-life challenges they faced. A survey was developed in RedCap and sent out to healthcare workers in a number of professions (physician, nurse, therapist, dietician, etc.) across practice locations (in-patient, out-patient, in-home, etc.).

Article Details

Category: COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations