Structural and Photochemical Effects of Ligand Reduction on a Bioinspired Metal Complex

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Ananya Basu
Michael Baldwin


By Ananya Basu, Chemistry

Advisor: Michael Baldwin

Presentation ID: 261

Abstract: In nature, many types of bacteria secrete chelating molecules called siderophores to sequester essential metals such as iron from the environment. Some marine bacteria produce photoactive siderophores that can harness light to cleave the chelate and release the bound iron in a reduced form. Studying synthetic models of photoactive siderophores can offer rich insight into the structure and reactivity of these unique metal complexes. The salicylidene-AHA chelates feature an α-hydroxy acid motif that allows for the light-triggered release of the coordinated metal. Altering the non-coordinating groups on the chelate can help tune the photochemistry of the resulting metal complexes. This work focuses on the impact of ligand (salicylidene-AHA) reduction on chelate chemistry. The Sal-AHA chelates are Schiff bases, and reduction of the imine to the amine would allow for more flexibility in the ligand, which could alter the structure and photochemistry of the corresponding metal complexes.

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Category: New Frontiers